Race Day Schedule
(All times are approximate)
8:00 AM Packet Pickup Open
9:00 AM Elite Men Start
10:00 AM Expert Men, Elite & Expert Women Start
11:30 AM All Tandems Start
12:00 PM All Sport Categories Start
12:00 PM Elite Category Awards
1:00 PM Expert Category Awards
1:00 PM All Beginners Start
2:00 PM Sport Category Awards
3:00 PM Beginner Category Awards
5:00 PM Cleanup
Kids Races
The Athletic Mentors are once again hosting races for our young and aspiring mountain bikers. These races are free, but participants must sign up prior to the race. Please contact the Athletic Mentors for questions about these races.
Strider Race
The Striders (bikes without pedals) will race multiple loops on a grass loop with plenty of opportunity for families and friends to cheer. This race will last roughly 15 minutes.
Beginner Race
The beginner race will be 1/2 mile long and will consist of a mixture of single track and double track. Beginner racers should feel comfortable riding on trail and uneven terrain.
Intermediate Race
The intermediate race will be 2 miles long and is mostly single track. Intermediate racers should have the endurance to race 2 miles and the ability to handle single track on uneven terrain. The single track is mostly hard packed dirt but does have some sandy spots with a few rocks and roots.
Expert Race
The expert race will be 4 miles long and is mostly single track. Expert racers should have the endurance to race 4 miles and the ability to handle single track on uneven terrain. The single track is mostly hard packed dirt but does have some sandy spots with a few rocks and roots.
Helmets and closed toed shoes are required for all races.
The Yankee Springs Time Trial is held in the Deep Lake Campground, within the heart of the Yankee Springs Recreation Area. Registration, Team Row and the starting chute are located at the Southern edge of the campground.
Since Yankee Springs is a Michigan State Park, a Recreational Passport is required for entrance. Non-passport holders can purchase a Michigan State Park day pass.
Parking is available throughout the Deep Lake Campground where it is only a short walk to the Registration tent, Team Row, and Starting Chute.
Additional parking is available just to the North at Sharp Park Campground (8551 Deep Lake Rd).
Food / Drinks
Water and fruit will be provided for participants after their race.
Food trucks will be onsite so that food can be purchased. You are also welcome to pack a picnic and join us in the after party area. Beer and hard cider beverages will be available for purchase in the after party area.
Vault toilets are available throughout the Deep Lake Campground where parking and staging occurs.
Portable bathrooms will also be provided near the starting area.
After Party
Rainbow Rodeo IPA
Bonfire Brown
Lake Street Lager
Blueberry Lemonade Shandy
Selected Hard Cider
Please join us at the Saugatuck Brewing After Party from Noon to 6:00 PM on race day to quench your thirst, share race stories with friends and to celebrate our trails here in West Michigan!
The consumption of alcohol will be restricted to the designated after party area. Please help us out and enjoy your beer and cider within the designated area.
Beer Tickets:
$5.00 Each
WMMBA Raffle
Thanks to our generous sponsors, we will have a variety of great products and services to raffle off on race day. All proceeds from the raffle go directly to the WMMBA to help support our trails.
Winners do not need to be present to win, but they do need to handle pickup of larger items from the Grand Rapids area. Winners will be drawn during the after party.
1 for $5.00
3 for $10.00
Raffle tickets will be two for the price of one during the packet pickup party.
Racers LOVE spectators and The Yankee Springs Time Trial is an exciting race to watch. Just a short hike can get you to a position where you can watch racers start and finish. Slightly longer hikes will take you to technical portions of the course which are always thrilling. And don't forget... the expert and elite racers do 2 laps.
If you come, make sure to be prepared for Michigan's Spring weather. You might also want hiking shoes, a chair, water and of course... a cowbell.

Staging / Start Chute
Racers should be to the staging area at the designated time for their race category. A staging director will instruct racers to enter the starting chute in order based on the sequentially numbered race plates. This applies to both pre-registered and day-of racers, however day-of racers will start after pre-registered racers.
Racers go off every 10 seconds, so it only takes a few minutes for each category to start. It is the racers responsibility to be at the starting chute at the appropriate time and to know their race plate number when it is called for entering the chute.
Note: Individual start times are available only on the race plates of pre-registered racers. Look for these when you pickup your race plate during registration.
Emergency Exits
If you need to abandon the race for any reason, please proceed to the nearest emergency exit. Volunteers are often available at the exits to help direct you or call for assistance. Click on the map for more details.
The emergency exits are also excellent viewing points for spectators.
Race Emergencies
Trail spotters and emergency personnel will be on hand throughout the race and will be available at emergency exits. However, they may not always be within site of those in need. If you encounter an emergency during the race, call 911. Dispatchers will direct emergency personnel to where they are needed.
In order to ensure a safe and fair race for all, the following rules have been established. Violation of any of these rules may result in disqualification. Questions regarding these rules should be directed to the Race Director.
• Wearing of a helmet is mandatory during warm up and racing.
• Use of headphones or musical devices is strictly prohibited.
• Bicycles shall be in good repair with both front and back brakes in good working order.
• Racers must yield to emergency medical personnel at all times.
• Use of profane or abusive language or other unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. All instances of unsportsmanlike behavior can be reported to the Race Director for disciplinary consideration.
• Food and water can be taken from anyone, anywhere on the course. Racers taking food or water must not impede the progress of other racers.
• Racers may change any bicycle components during the race except the frame.
• Racers may accept assistance only from other racers actively competing during the same event.
• Racers riding bicycles have the right of way over racers pushing bicycles. When practical, racers pushing bikes should yield the most ride-able portion of the trail when being passed.
• A racer pushing or carrying his or her bicycle can overtake a racer riding his bicycle provided that it does not interfere with the riding racer.
• Riders should vocally alert those they are passing using announcements like “PASSING on your LEFT!” It is the responsibility of the passing rider to overtake safely. It is also the responsibility of the rider being overtaken to yield the trail as reasonably, quickly and safely as possible.
• Riders will not shortcut the course to pass another racer. Short-cutting the course by any racer will result in disqualification.
• When two riders are vying for position, the leading rider does not necessarily have to yield position to the challenging rider. However, a rider may not block the challenging rider’s progress.